Xenonauts Wiki

A Laboratory is a buildable Base Facility and where the science team conducts its research.

Will automatically, and freely, upgrade to a Quantum Laboratory once research on an Alien Base has been completed.


Laboratories allow a base to conduct research. Each Laboratory will house up to 15 scientists, who require both living space and laboratory space to be available before they can be recruited. Research is networked across different bases, so multiple scientists working on the same project from different bases are just as effective as if they were housed in the same facility.

Research performed in a laboratory suffers diminishing returns: the first scientist on a project works at 100% efficiency, the second at 99% efficiency, the third at 98% efficiency (and so forth). Finally, as laboratories are expensive and have unusually high maintenance costs, consider your finances carefully before constructing one.


Each Laboratory provides space for 15 scientists, additional laboratories will be needed if you wish to employ more than 15 scientists.

