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Shields in general will block all incoming damage from the direction the user is facing.


Combat Shield

Combat Shield

  • Damage is absorbed 1:1 from any shot that hits the shield, meaning if a shield absorbs a 40 damage dealing plasma round it will lose 40 points of health.
  • The shield has a 100% chance to absorb a hit that hits the user directly in the front, however shots from the side have a chance of missing the shield and hitting the user. Once a shields health has been depleted any remaining damage will be applied to the user and the shield will be destroyed.
  • A user with shields cannot jump over small obstacles (exact mechanic not known)

Combat Shield[]

The combat shield is available at the start of the game, under the Equipment Tab. It has 80 HP, and it is too big for a soldier's inventory. The Combat Shield is extremely useful as a tool for scouts and breaching units.

Assault Shield[]

Assault Shield

Assault Shield

The Assault shield functions exactly the same as a Combat shield except that it requires Alien Alloy Hardening to be completed to be available to research the Assault Shield, which provides a shield with 160 HP for the exact same weight.


The Assault Shield is a direct upgrade for the Combat Shield, employing our new knowledge of hardened alien alloys to create a tactical shield with much improved durability. It functions in the same way as its predecessor - soaking up most of the incoming damage from targets in front of the user.

The vastly improved ballistic and thermal resistance of hardened alien alloys make them much more effective at stopping incoming damage. As fabricating a rectangle is not a difficult task, the main point of debate was over whether we should design a lighter and less cumbersome shield or leave the weight unchanged and greatly increase protection. Discussion with your men revealed they had an overwhelming preference for the latter, and given the brief life expectancy of your breaching soldiers I was inclined to agree with them. The Assault Shield should be able to withstand several hits from most alien plasma weapons before failing, hopefully enough to get the user through a mission without serious injury.

The Assault Shield does, of course, fill one of the soldier's hands. Unable to wield two-handed weapons, they will be forced to use a pistol. You should also be aware that our shields do not provide complete protection; there is always a small chance that a lucky shot will hit an exposed body-part.


Item HP Weight
Combat Shield 80 6.0
Assault Shield 160 6.0
  • Both the Combat and Assault shield otherwise are identical items.